6 Tips for staying focused during your job search

Hunting for jobs can be a frustrating experience, which can be very easy to get downhearted and give up. However, when it comes to looking for work the only way to guarantee your failure is to give in to the impulse to stop – or to get distracted. So, staying focused during your jobs search is the key to success. 


1. Take yourself offline

You may need to be online to search jobs pages or websites but that doesn’t mean that you have to be connected to every other communication medium too. Sign out of your emails, avoid social media and take the phone off the hook for blocks of time during the day. This will ensure your job search efforts are fully focused.


2. Take breaks

After some time of doing the same activity over and over again, your brain is highly likely to switch off. Take regular breaks from the job searching and do something totally different – go for a walk, do some deep breathing, cycle somewhere or cook.


3. Have a daily routine

It’s particularly important if you’re currently not working to have a daily routine for job searching. That way you’re much less likely to be tempted to spend the entire morning in bed or get distracted by Netflix. Give yourself a routine to stick to and you’ll also have something to be proud of at the end of the day, no matter what else you’ve achieved.


4. Look after yourself

Like any big project, you need to be physically well and rested to get somewhere during a job search. Get enough sleep, feed your body nutritious meals and make sure that you’re hydrated and not over-stimulated on caffeine.


5. Celebrate all the victories

Even the small ones. Ok, so getting feedback that you “almost” got the job might not be a good reason to pop the champagne. However, if that feedback also gives you crucial insight that could help with the next application then you have two things to celebrate: getting shortlisted and having the tools to do better next time.


6. Let go of what doesn’t work

The best way to stay focused on what you’re doing is to be thoroughly present with it. That means not dwelling on what’s happened in the past or what might happen in the future. Let go of past disappointments after you’ve worked out if there’s anything to be learned from them. Move swiftly on and keep your mind free of negative emotions like disappointment or shame.